Linda was a devout Jehovah’s Witness, one that believed it all and really put her heart and soul into it. Today she’s been out of the organization for 25 years and our discussion involves Buddhist teachings, the neuroscience of shunning, and her story which she also shares in her memoir that is entitled Shunned: How I lost my religion and found myself. So you’re going to see how she both lost that religion and what she found on the other side.
Resources Mentioned:
Her book Shunned: How I Lost Religion and Found Myself
Kip Williams at Purdue University
Poem: The Journey by Mary Oliver
Are you struggling in some area of life? Feeling stuck? Need an accountability partner or some encouragement? Need to talk to someone that understands cult life? Reach out and let’s talk. I have affordable programs to help as a certified life coach. Click HERE for more information.
Would you like to be party to my birthday party? Send a card, letter, anything but JW literature to:
Mike Shemwell
P.O. Box 2641
Clarksville, IN
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Music by Fair Voyeur entitled “No Hell Yet”.