Note: In the video below I mention the month of August. This video was made when I started this in 2019 and these meetups are still going strong every week on Friday nights as indicated below.
Let’s create an atmosphere of community and recovery in the “shunned” community. Meetings are free to attend and I will be hosting them. This endeavor is being supported by your donations. Support will help me to keep this going and to do more meetings for various schedules, countries, time zones, etc.
Both one time and recurring donations are welcomed. Let’s create the largest recovery initiative undertaken in this community.
Upcoming Dates
Simply use these links on the days and times specified to access the recovery groups. If you have never used Zoom before you might want to click the link now and download any software or app that they require for your particular device.
Fridays at 9:00PM Eastern Time (GMT-5 for those participating internationally)

Use this link to access any scheduled meetings, bookmark it for easy access:
Support the time and effort put into this initiative here:
Questions? Use the Contact page and I’ll get back to you asap.