ExJwHelp Day 2022 – Former Jehovah’s Witnesses helping in the local community with your donations!

Thanks to our wonderful supporters we raised $560 plus our $200 in matching the first amount by that number so we ended up with $760 to do good with in the community. Follow what we were all able to do together as I take you through what went from ExJwHelp Day into six ExJwHelp Days (plural). Your donations were very much appreciated and ExJwHelp Day 2022 was a success!

Professional one on one Cult Recovery Coaching services, helpful videos and articles, more information about ExJwHelp Day itself, and other resources can be found at: https://exjwhelp.com/

Are you struggling in some area of life? Feeling stuck? Struggling with perfectionism, building a social network, codependency, or feeling like you’re not enough? Need an accountability partner or some encouragement? Need to talk to someone that understands cult life? Reach out and let’s talk. I have affordable programs to help as a Cult Recovery Coach. I work with many ex-JWs, along with ex-other groups, and your average person that has never been in a cult that wants better things in their life. Find out more here: https://storyworkscoaching.com

Please consider supporting the show’s Patreon if you appreciate the time that goes into producing these stories at: https://www.patreon.com/shunned